The beginning of perfection.
Whether you have specific questions, would like to explore your production options or would like personalised advice on our plastic products – we will be happy to provide you with comprehensive information. Simply use our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Kaiserstr. 186-188
42477 Radevormwald
Telefon: +49 (0) 2195 – 676-01
Telefax: +49 (0) 2195 – 4996

Anyone in particular in mind?
Head of Sales & Disposition
Torben Standhaft
T +49 2195 676-25
F +49 2195 4996
Head of Human Resources
Tobias Heumann
T +49 2195 676-11
F +49 2195 676-71
Head of Quality Management / QMB & UMB
Olaf Gortat
T +49 2195 676-31
F +49 2195 4996
Technical Sales
Kevin Fisch
T +49 2195 676-61
F +49 2195 4996
Anita Schulz
T +49 2195 676-47
F +49 2195 4996
Internal Sales
Agnes Polkowski
T +49 2195 676-62
F +49 2195 4996
Leonie Horch
T +49 2195 676-776
F +49 2195 4996
Jutta Heller
T +49 2195 676-29
F +49 2195 4996
Head of Quality Assurance
Zeki Erdogan
T +49 2195 676-74
F +49 2195 4996
Logistics Management
Heike Weber
T +49 2195 676-83
F +49 2195 676-33